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February 1, 2023

BPCE Group Strengthens Fraud Detection with EverC

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Paris-based BPCE Payment Services manages more than 20 percent of all payment processing activities in France, with merchants in more than 40 countries. They serve more than 450,000 merchants and manage 23 million cards. Its parent company, BPCE Group, is the second largest banking group in France.

“It’s a race against time with fraudsters. They are numerous, they are obstinate, and they are fast. It is up to us to thwart their attacks.”

Thomas Roth, head of fraud and risk management at BPCE Payment Services

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With growth came an explosion of ecommerce merchants posing a higher risk of fraud. As BPCE began processing payments for a growing number of ecommerce merchants, the company needed a solution with greater accuracy and speed in detecting problematic merchant activity.

Until late 2021, BPCE Payment Services was using the same SaaS vendor as 80-90 percent of other banks in France, but the results were not sufficiently accurate. Failure to detect fraud put the payment provider at risk of regulatory action, as well as fines by MasterCard and Visa. It also meant that BPCE sometimes turned away promising merchants because the risk team could not confidently tell whether or not a prospect posed a fraud threat.

The results of their test-drive of the solution were “excellent,” says Younès Sakat, a BPCE director heading a team of risk management experts. “We were able to test the quality of detection and it was significantly improved.”


In searching for a new solution, BPCE was initially impressed with EverC’s machine-learning models, capable of filtering and collecting information on the Internet about various merchants and their activities. The AI-driven MerchantView solution clinched the BPCE’s decision to switch vendors. Another important aspect of EverC’s solution is its ability to monitor merchant activity on an ongoing basis.  

“The tool is really simple and very intuitive and I use it almost daily.”

Évelyne Andrianarison, acquirer fraud analyst 


In its first year with EverC, BPCE Payment Services has been delighted by the quality of the results they've experienced. Not only is EverC weeding out more bad actors, but BPCE can accept a higher percentage of merchant applicants because it is confident in the screening abilities. No payment processor wants to turn away merchants unnecessarily, and EverC is proving instrumental in helping the company achieve future growth goals.

The ongoing partnership with EverC enables BPCE to address new threats quickly, reducing the risk of fines and enhancing reputation and profile for the risk management function.

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To learn more about BPCE Payment Services partnership with EverC, read the full case study.