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Safer Ecommerce Day Highlights

Written by Aileen McDonough | Nov 8, 2023 6:12:11 PM

Our first-ever Safer Ecommerce Day proved to be an overwhelming success.  Sponsored by EverC, Safer Ecommerce Day is dedicated to raising awareness about online commerce risk and best practices for safer ecommerce. 

The free online event was packed with insights and information about  how to disrupt illicit activity and make ecommerce safer for all.  The sessions featured over a dozen thought leaders from our industry, as well as associations and entities that are working together on technology, education, regulations, and initiatives to make ecommerce safer.  

 Safer Ecommerce Day kicked off with a warm welcome from our very own industry thought leader, Melissa Sutherland, EverC Vice President of Industry, then segued into a full lineup of presentations by experts. 

Here’s an overview of the topics covered during the event:

  • All that Glitters Is Not Gold – Keynote speaker Kari Kammel took us on a deep dive into the world of trademark counterfeiting and the risks it poses to everyone in the ecommerce ecosystem. 
  • The Future of Payments Is Now – Globally-recognized thought leaders Aleks Teichman and Todd Ablowitz explored how integrated tech stacks such as cashless apps, paperless processes, and digital identities are revolutionizing the way we shop and engage online. 
  • Global Regulatory Climate Check: It’s Raining Regs –  Keith Briscoe, VP at the  Merchant Risk Council (MRC), and attorney Erin Doyle  this talk delved into the unintended consequences that regulations have for everyone in the ecommerce chain. Keith followed up with an overview of the MRC’s work for the industry. 
  • Threats and Opportunities in the Cyber World – Dr. Layla M. Hashemi, lately of TRACC and now Program Director of Organized Crime and Corruption at C4ADS, joined our own Maya Shabi to give the audience a glimpse into the dark side of the cyber world. 
  • Social Media Advertising and Dark Patterns – Rafael Reyneri, of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), talked about recent steps by the FTC to crack down on social media and video streaming platforms. 
  • Ongoing Hostilities: Fighting Hate & Harm – Ben Decker, founder of Memetica, and Maya Shabi had a dynamic discussion about today’s complex threat landscape, including the impact of disinformation, the manipulation of payment rails by extremist groups, and trends to watch. 
  • Regulatory Scrutiny, Industry Reality: Are We on the Same Page? – Legal experts Theresa Kananen and Kristy Littman spoke about the disconnect between regulators’ expectations and industry norms, and what unique risks this potential misalignment presents.   
  • Triple Threat: The Terrifying Convergence of Evolving Tech, Bad Actors, and a Questionably Ready Financial Ecosystem – Mary Ann Miller, of Prove, and Frank McKenna, of Frank on Fraud, explored emerging trends in AI, synthetic identities, deep fakes, and the convergence of criminal actors.  
  • Leveraging Threat Intelligence, Disrupting Illicit Activity  – David Luna, former U.S. diplomat and national security official and currently Executive Director of the International Coalition Against Illicit Economies (ICAIE), gave an in-depth presentation about leveraging threat intelligence to unveil threat networks and disrupt hubs of illicit trade and criminalized markets. 
  • Using H.I. to Fight A.I. – Jayson Street, Time person of the year and Chief Adversarial Officer of Secure Yeti, closed our day out with a bang, discussing the key role of human intelligence in battling illicit AI and fraud.   

We want to express our gratitude for the amazing slate of speakers who shared their time and expertise to make the day such a success.  

If you weren’t able to participate in Safer Ecommerce Day, or you missed some of the sessions, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. You will be able to access the session content once it becomes available.

Mark your calendars for Safer Ecommerce Day next year: November 1, 2024!